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KD NavienĀ®

NPE-A2 Condensing Tankless Water Heater, 199 Kbtu/hr, Natural/Propane, Indoor/Outdoor, Ultra Low NOx, 0.95 EF




KD NavienĀ® Tankless Gas Water Heater, High Efficiency Premium Advanced, Series: NPE-A2 Series, 13300 to 199900 Btu/hr Heating, Natural Gas/Liquid Propane Fuel, 3/4 in NPT Gas Connection, Electronic Ignition, Forced Draft Direct Vent, 2 in Vent, Condensing Condensing/Non Condensing, 11.2 gpm at 35 deg F Flow Rate, 0.95 Energy Factor, Wall-Hung Mounting, 3/4 in NPT Water Connection, 15 to 150 psi Pressure, 97 to 185 deg F, Ultra Low Nox: No, Cold Rolled Carbon Steel, Indoor/Outdoor Indoor/Outdoor, White, 17.3 in W x 13.2 in D x 27.4 in H Dimensions, Dual

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KD NavienĀ®NPE-A2 Condensing Tankless Water Heater, 199 Kbtu/hr, Natural/Propane, Indoor/Outdoor, Ultra Low NOx, 0.95 EF
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